Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gnarles Barkley Hendricks

My good friend David makes video shorts for Duke's Nasher Museum. Here's the one he made for the Barkley Hendricks exhibition. I want you all to watch it, because you can see Barkley speak about his own work, ideas, and practices.
Check it out here.
or copy and paste this link:

Gnarles Barkley Hendricks

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Study Guide (not homework)

Study Guide

Be ready to write a short answer (2-3 sentences ) in response to each question next Tuesday.

Chapter 1
1. Compare and contrast the cultural and artistic differences between Paleolithic and Neolithic Era's. Given specific examples from your book of each.

2. What function did small figurines such as the, "Venus" of Willendorf, serve within the Neolithic society.

Chapter 2
1. What is being depicted on the Palette of King Narmer?

2. Tell me about the style of the free standing Egyptian sculpture, King Menkaure (Mycerinus) and Queen Khamerernebty.

Chapter 5
1. Describe what is meant by the term "black-figure technique".

2. What goddess was the Parthenon dedicated to and what was the buildings function?

3. Define Contrapposto.

Chapter 7
1. Tell me about the head of Constantine, also known as Constantine the Great.

2. What is Roman Illusionism?

Chapter 8
1. What is the importance of catacombs within the context of Early Christian art?

2. How is S. Vitale different from earlier Christian basilica? What type of artwork is housed inside of this basilica?

3. What is the Iconoclastic Controversy?

Chapter 11
1. What does the term 'Gothic' mean?

2. What is a flying buttress?

3. What is a "pieta"?

Ok, good luck, these will pretty much be what you'll see on Tuesday during the open book test. Everyone needs a book, no sharing or working together. Keep your answers thorough but brief. You do not have to do this as homework and turn it in to me. It's just an outline of what you'll be seeing on Tuesday.

-Justin Crosby

Monday, June 16, 2008

Neo Rauch writing by Emily Schroeder

Hey students,
I hope you all enjoyed or at least 'appreciated' our trip to the Ackland on Saturday. For Ashton and myself, if was a great way to spend part of an afternoon. A friend of mine, Emily Schroeder, who works in the library and archives at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC sent me a link to a review she wrote on the German painter Neo Rauch's new exhibit at David Zwirner gallery in NYC. I thought that it was a good example of the type of assignment we are doing with the museum trips. You can read her short review here.

See you tomorrow

J. Crosby

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Homework for June 12th, Due the 19th

Chapter 8 (i promise)

1.  How and why did the Roman style of depicting man differ from that of Early Christian?

2.  What classical architecture influenced the Early Christian basilica and how did it evolve?

Chapter 11

1. What features are characteristic of Gothic architecture?

2.  What competition did Ghiberti win?  What about his panel was innovative?

Ok, that's it!  Just four questions.  


Realistic Illusionism

Here are some examples of 'realistic illusionism', a type of perspective optics akin to the murals and frescoes discovered in Pompeii.  The images attached are of the sculptor that I mentioned in class, Robert Lazzarini.  

David Larson emailed me this sidewalk artist that many of you may have already seen:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Homework Assignment

Here's a few questions for next homework assignment.  These will be due via email by Tuesday at  5:00 pm.  
Chapter 5
1.  Define Contrapposto.
2.  What are the 3 main stages of ancient Greek civilization and give an example of art or architecture from each.
3.  The Parthenon was dedicated to which Greek diety?  What was the building's function?
4.  What do the terms Kouros and Kore mean?  What, if any, influences from Egyptian sculpture are present in the Kouros figure?
Chapter 7
1.  What was Greece's impace/influence on Roman sculpture?
2.  What are the two most significant contributions to architecture made by the Romans?
3.  Why were ancient Romans considered remarkable civil engineers?
4.  How was Christianity perceived in ancient Roman culture?  Did this influence early Christian art?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cave Paintings and Egypt (quite a leap through history)

Here are some images I found of the cave paintings from Chauvet that aren't in the book.
Here's a link to some more info on the "Venus" of Willendorf.

The best though is the Egyptian hieroglyphics below. You can figure out how to spell your name in heiroglyphs. Pretty awesome.

Welcome Students

This is your Intro to Art class blogspot! This is the place where I can post links, pictures, articles, and whatever else that might help us all better understand Western Art History!! Also, if you have some art link, or artist that you want to share with the class you can email it to me, and I'll post your blog for you.

Check here regularly on Thursdays for updates, links, and assignments!!!!